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Iterating on CSS with GPT-4 and Puppeteer

Tags: mlcodethroughrtl

Adventures in right-to-left language layout + ML

RTL CSS can become complicated

I've been thinking about a code model which could do my periodic side project, making right-to-left language layouts for web pages. Adaptation 101 is to use dir="auto" in HTML, for sections to prefer left or right-alignment based on content, or direction: rtl to force direction in CSS.
The rules get more complex as you explore the UI - the layout might swap padding, margin, and border properties, and either create dual LTR/RTL CSS files, or a list of RTL rules to overwrite LTR rules in a [dir='rtl'] * .sample { } context.

We do have libraries to automatically flip CSS properties. In 2017, a small issue on the OpenStreetMap website led to a change in R2, a Ruby gem in this space. Part of the problem is parsing complex CSS such as the values of background-position, with a variable-length list of numeric and string values can be provided. But another CSS block referring to an image sprite or a video player shouldn't be modified. We ended up adding a comment for the tool to skip flipping a block of CSS.
What about the complexities of CSS tables, HTML buttons such as [Next →], and Canvas?

To go deeper, Ahmad Shadeed's and Moriel Schottlender's document several UI issues and best practices. I have my own mini-site (with a section on charts) at and recently blogged about a BiDi text confusion on OpenStreetMap at

The code / chat prompt concept

Given that these rules eventually require an intelligent or perceptive agent, it could be assigned to an AI such as GPT-4 or Code-LLaMa. Initial concept:

As a web developer LLM, you will update the following HTML and CSS files:
Change the headings' text color to red
Allow headings to be left-to-right or right-to-left depending on content

A model could be fine-tuned with a handful of examples, a battery of tests from RTL Styling and RTl.WTF, or by scanning GitHub for RTL CSS files.

Unfortunately these text and code-based LLaMa models won't 'know' if the style changes work in the browser. I decided to experiment by sending Puppeteer-based screenshots to the OpenAI API.

Second round concept:

As a web developer LLM, chat with the user about the HTML and CSS files.
When you respond with new versions of page.html and/or page.css, Puppeteer will send
a rendered version.
When the task is satisfactorily completed, write Final Answer.
User: Make the headings' text color lighter
Puppeteer: [image]
Puppeteer: [image]
AI: Final Answer

This opens up questions like, should a CSS expert AI test multiple browsers and window sizes... What about Tailwind and SCSS, cursor, multiple or very long files? I want to keep it compact for now, and use HTML + right-to-left layout as an example of a visual demo.

A basic demo


response =
      "role": "user",
      "content": [
        {"type": "text", "text": "What's in this image?"},
          "type": "image_url",
          "image_url": {
            "url": "",
<!DOCTYPE html>
<h1>Hello World</h1>
<div style='float: right'>Next &rarr;</div>
import base64

png = wd.get_screenshot_as_png()
img_byte = io.BytesIO(png).getvalue()
base64_image = base64.b64encode(img_byte).decode()
opening = {
  "role": "user",
  "content": [
    {"type": "text", "text": "We are working together on a website.
        Can you translate the HTML source to Arabic, including
        right-to-left formatting? The current HTML source and a
        screenshot are attached. I will return a screenshot of the page
        as you change it. When changes are complete, respond
        'final answer'."},
      "type": "text",
      "text": "[index.html]\n" + html,
      "type": "image_url",
      "image_url": {
          "url": f"data:image/png;base64,{base64_image}"

response =

Certainly, I can translate that HTML source for you and also include right-to-left formatting which is customary for Arabic text. Here is the translated and updated HTML code:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html dir="rtl" lang="ar">
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <title>مرحبا بالعالم</title>
  <h1>مرحبا بالعالم</h1>
  <div style='float: left'>التالي &larr;</div>

To explain the changes: ...

feedback = {
  "role": "user",
  "content": [
    {"type": "text", "text": "Thanks! An updated screenshot is attached.
      Return new HTML source or, respond 'final answer'."},
      "type": "image_url",
      "image_url": {
          "url": f"data:image/png;base64,{base64_image2}"

response2 =

The provided screenshot looks correct based on the changes requested. The text "مرحباً بالعالم" is displayed as "Hello World" translated into Arabic, and the "التالي ←" is correctly placed on the left side of the screen to match the right-to-left text direction. If you are satisfied with the result, my response is "final answer". If you need any further adjustments or additions, feel free to let me know.

I didn't expect GPT-4V to be so wordy in these interactions, but it makes sense (it's a chat model!). I would continue to use / to separate out the page. I didn't try making a separate CSS file.

In the future I should give some real-world examples until I find examples which require extra iterations, and/or stump the model.

Perils of the prompt

Hoping to quickly test a more complex example, I took a snippet of HTML from an Amazon order receipt. I pasted the Amazon CSS within the HTML so it could be rendered in one file:

Unfortunately this starts at 51,000 tokens long, and we need to fit under a 10,000 token limit. After cutting CSS and buttons (not in screenshot) I was down to 31k then 11k, then cutting further so I can have a number of completion tokens afterward.

Noticing a short response and an unformatted screenshot, I noticed this in GPT-4V's source response:

<style type="text/css">\n /* Your remaining CSS code, keeping class names and properties as they are */\n /* Add custom RTL styles if necessary */\n </style>

So this doesn't help us. I should find some compact examples and do some prompt engineering so that some CSS gets written. I will probably source some examples from OpenStreetMap / iD editor UI, and try to include some SCSS examples (for fewer tokens).